4 Things People Take For Granted Until They’re Gone

Often life is full of things that are by definition wonderful and something we should treasure, yet we’re so used to them that we hardly even appreciate them. Yet, when these blessings are no longer a part of our daily lives, their absence becomes obvious. 

So many people have lost precious things that they once took for granted only to look back with glaring regret at how much they wished they could have appreciated it when it was there. 

Recognizing what these things are before losing them is precious, as this will save you plenty of regret and suffering. Here are five things that people commonly take for granted until they’re gone.


The freedom to feel safe where you live and travel without fear may seem totally normal yet, certain circumstances like political upset or even natural disasters that cause entire cities to lose power can suddenly take this sense of security away from you. 

It’s easy to assume that life will always be safe and free, yet you’d be surprised how fast your privilege is and freedom can be stripped away from you. Ask anyone who’s ever lived through a time of war whether they were prepared for the world being ripped out from under their feet. 

Appreciate every moment that you feel safe and free, and never take it for granted— even when it seems like it will last forever.


Health is something that’s easy to ignore when you’re feeling great. Simple acts like being able to walk and run without any discomfort feels “normal” until you can no longer do it. When illness or injury strikes, you can find yourself missing these moments and wondering why you never appreciated it when you had it. 

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The more you practice self-care, eat well and exercise, the more you’ll acknowledge your body and how it supports you on a daily basis.

People We Love

Often people we love who have always been there seem like they always will be.  That’s why it’s so easy to take them for granted. Familiarity and routine can make us forget the value of those we love most, yet unfortunately, when these people are no longer a part of our lives we mourn. Time is fleeting and the relationships that may seem like they’ll last forever may be more delicate than you think. 

In truth, relationships are like a garden and require care and attention to thrive. Make time to connect and express your gratitude to the people you love. Cherish every single moment no matter how small they might seem.

Water and Food

If you’re one of the lucky people on earth, you have something to eat and drink anytime you need it. And while this may seem normal to you, you may be surprised to find that some people don’t have access to these seemingly simple and basic necessities. Having access to water and food is quite a blessing and one that you should be thankful for every day.

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